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Badges, Awards, or Certifications earned in the Intellum Platform can be shared directly to a learner's LinkedIn profile - literally with the click of a button.

This article walks through how a learner can add achievements to the Licenses & Certifications settings of a LinkedIn Profile.

Add Awards to LinkedIn

The Intellum platform makes adding awards to a LinkedIn profile a straightforward process.

Awards offer learners a button to Add to LinkedIn Profile. Selecting the option opens LinkedIn in a new browser tab.

Click on Add to LinkedIn profile to show off learning achievements

The new browser tab launches the licenses & certifications form in LinkedIn, pre-populated with award information - as available. Issuing organization is the only mandatory field that isn't pre-populated.

If signed out of LinkedIn, learners will be prompted to log in to continue.

Example of award information pre-populated in LinkedIn from your award

The Award is added to the LinkedIn profile on save.

Here's what that awards look like once added to a LinkedIn profile:

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