Certificate Extension
This extension is suitable for use when creating accessible courses.
The Certificate extension lets you present the learner with a certificate pdf when predefined conditions have been met.
This article provides an overview of the Certificate extension and extension setup.
Extension overview
The Certificate extension lets you present the learner with a certificate pdf when predefined conditions have been met.
You enable the Certificate extension in the Extensions section in your Evolve course.
Extension set up
To enable the Certificate extension in your Evolve course, press the Extensions button in the top left and select Certificate.

General section
In the General section:

- Add Certificate downloads title.
- Add Certificate downloads achieved text.
- Add Certificate downloads not achieved text.
- Add Download button text.
- Add File Name. This is shown on the pdf file that is downloaded.
- Add Certificate title.
- Add Certificate message.
- Add Certificate goal text.

- Add Certificate name label. This is the label for the learner’s name.
- Add Certificate date label. This is the label for the date on the certificate.
- Select Certificate date format. By default, this is set to show as Day/Month/Year.
- Select the certificate Orientation. Choose Portrait or Landscape. By default, this is set to Portrait.
- Select a Certificate graphic to be displayed on the certificate.
- Select a Primary logo as needed. This is shown on the top left-hand side of the certificate.
- Select a Secondary logo as needed. This logo is shown on the top right-hand side of the certificate.
- Finally, click the Preview button to generate a preview of your certificate.
Behavior section

- In the Behavior section, select the Certificate obtainment method. This is how the learner can obtain this certificate. Choose from the options: Course Attainment, Course Assessment or Course Assessment Passed.
- Select whether to display the Certificate Completion Dialog. By default, this is set to Display Dialog. Toggle to Hide Dialog.

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