Categories are now referred to as Topics in the UI.

A CategoryTag record allows you to tag a Course with a Category.

Description of the CategoryTag Attributes

Attribute Name Description
id (integer) unique identifier of the record
category_id (integer) id of the tagging Category record - required
categorizable_id (integer) id of the tagging Course record - required
categorizable_type (string) always "Course"
code (string) unique identifier for the record, optional


Resource: /api/v2/category_tags

HTTPS Request Method: GET

Description: The list of CategoryTag records of the account. This endpoint is paginated and returns 500 results per page.

Required parameter:

  • api_key (string): the account API key

Optional parameters:

  • page (integer): the page you want to request. Every page is 500 records long at most. If not present, page 1 is assumed.
  • you can filter the results on the following CategoryTag attributes: category_id, code, categorizable_id, categorizable_type


  • on success: a 200 HTTP code and an array of the found records in the body
  • on failure: a 422 HTTP code and an array of the errors in the body

Example requests:

  • Get 500 first CategoryTag records of the account: curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json"

  • Get 500 first CategoryTag records associated to Category record with id 10 : curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" "\[category_id\]=10"


Resource: /api/v2/category_tag

HTTPS Request Method: POST

Description: create a new CategoryTag record.

Required parameter:

  • api_key (string): the account API key
  • all the attributes listed in "Description of the CategoryTag attributes", except code

Optional parameters:

  • code (string)

Note: The following parameters are limited to 255 characters:

  • categorizable_type


  • on success: a 200 HTTP code and the created record in the body
  • on failure: a 422 HTTP code and an array of the errors in the body

Example requests:

  • Create a CategoryTag between Course with id 1 and Category with id 1: curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d '{ "category_tag": {"category_id": "1", "categorizable_type": "Course", "categorizable_id": "1" } }'


Resource: /api/v2/category_tags/ (id being the id attribute of the CategoryTag record to destroy)

HTTPS Request Method: DELETE

Description: destroy an existing CategoryTag record.

Required parameters:

  • api_key (string): the account API key
  • id (integer): the id of the CategoryTag record to destroy

Optional parameters: none


  • on success: a 200 HTTP code and an empty body
  • on failure: a 422 HTTP code and an array of the errors in the body

Example requests:

  • Destroy the record with 'id' 20: curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X DELETE