Intellum Platform: Expanded & Unified Search + Custom Search Filters
Intellum's search feature is now supercharged!
- Search results pull in learner-generated content from Intellum Social.
- Custom filters give learners more freedom when finding the right content.
- Admins can tailor Intellum's search to their strategic goals.

One Search to Find Them All...
A single search pulls in content and resources from Paths, Activities, Topics, Tags, Community, and Groups. In other words...all the things.
Well, not everything on the Intellum Platform. Restricted content pieces and Social Groups won't show up in your search unless you have catalog permissions to see them.
But that's a good thing! This means content and audience restrictions apply across the entire platform, including search results.

Do I need to enable Unified Search?
Nope. Unified Search is already enabled on all active Intellum sites.
However, you will need to add Default & Custom filters so they're visible to learners (more on this below).
How has the learner experience changed?
The location of filters has changed from the lefthand-side of the page to the top of the page. As well, the default search filters (duration, difficulty, etc.) will be at the top of the search page once enabled (read on).

Also, having search results from Intellum Social on the righthand-side is the other main change to the learner experience:

By moving search filters to the top, it gives more space for helpful, combined results for the learner.
As an Intellum Platform admin, what do I need to do?
You will need to add the Default and Custom filters you want. This means search filters will start out rather limited since you are now able to fully customize the filters that will appear at the top of the search.
Until you update your search filters, this is what the Learner View will look like:

Please read on to find out how to add and update custom search filters.
How do I see search results from Intellum Social?
Great question! Check on the following:
- Have you purchased and enabled Intellum Social? If not, please contact your Account Executive if you're interested.
- Have you allowed Groups access to Intellum Social that need access? If not, follow these steps:
Once Social is enabled for a Group, all of its members will be able to see search results from Intellum Social.
- Are your learners engaged and posting in Groups or Community? If not, the search results for these items may be empty at first until you have more learner-generated content.
How do I add custom search filters?
First, have you added some Tags that align with your content structure and strategy? If not, go to the Tags library and add the Tag Groups and individual Tags you need:

Once you have the Tags you need, be sure to apply those Tags to the pieces of related content. Check out this article for guidance on applying Tags to content:

Apply Tags to Manage & Boost Content
Tags are a powerful and flexible tool that can be utilized toward content management and discoverability in the Intellum platform. The Tags Library gives you the space to build and manage a tailored tagging taxonomy that you can use to manage the content you develop for your learning initiatives, boost the discoverability of that content for your learners, and easily identify tagged content when you're ready to measure results. This path gives an overview of the Tags Library, provides information and instructions for creating and managing your Tagging structure, and walks you through applying tags to your content and topics.

Now, you can add those custom search filters!
Custom filters are located under a new Filtering section in your Branding Organization's settings. Here's the path to get there:
Settings > Organizations > (Choose the correct Org) > Filtering

From there, you can create two main types of Filters:
1️⃣ Default Filters
Default filters let you add Topics, Duration, Difficulty, Rating, and Locale as filters for search.

2️⃣ Custom Filters
Custom Filters let you add one or more Tag Groups of your choice to act as filters for search.
Creating a new Custom Filter takes four short steps:
- Select a Tag Collection from the left-hand side menu.
- Choose the Tag Group you want to include as the filter.
- Give the filter a name. If left blank, the filter's name will default as the Tag Group's name.
- Click Create Filter, and you're done!

Once you've added one or more filters, your learners can use them to focus their search results!
For more on creating custom search filters, check out this in-depth article:

Creating Custom Search Filters

Watch Unified Search & Custom Filters in Action!
This clip demonstrates a sample search, results from Intellum Social, and interacting with custom filters.
That's it! You've explored some key benefits of our improved search...
- Search results now pull in learner-generated content from Intellum Social.
- Custom filters give learners more freedom when finding the right content.
- Admins can tailor Intellum's search to their strategic goals.

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